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NSF Midwest Big Data Hub: Solicitation Webinar
November 24, 2015 @ 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
The purpose of the webinar is to provide an overview of the MBDH and discuss NSF’s solicitation #16-510 for Spoke proposals and planning grants. We welcome all members of the Midwest region to join us to learn more about the Hub and how to join us to build active spokes. Connection information is provided below. Also, registration is not required but if you complete the registration sheet we will be able to stay in contact with you and facilitate connections across the region. Please note: We encourage everyone to establish your connection to the webinar between 9:30-9:55 to ensure a prompt start at 10:00 and also to address any connection issues you may encounter If you have problems, questions, or need additional assistance, please contact Kandace Turner at kyturner@illinois.edu. Registration: https://goo.gl/oRYOs3 Webinar Connection Information: https://goo.gl/eJYMJT