Jesse Capecelatro, assistant professor of Mechanical engineering and MICDE affiliated faculty member, has been awarded an NSF CAREER grant for his project “Toward Understanding and Modeling Turbulent Reacting Particle-Laden Flows.
This working group is organized by MIDAS to respond to the NSF Big Data Spokes funding solicitation (BD Spokes). Agenda: A brief presentation about the funding opportunity and the…
A group of three University of Michigan faculty members will lead the Advanced Computational Neuroscience Network project as a “spoke” in the Midwest Big Data Hub program funded by the…
NSF EAGER award to study new information and communication technologies in shared connected vehicles
MICDE associate director Siqian Shen (PI) will collaborate with Co-PIs Tawanna Dillahunt and Tanya Rosenblat from U-M School of Information to conduct interdisciplinary research for a newly announced NSF EArly-concept Grant for…
The National Science Foundation has awarded a $2.5 million award to focus on the analytic opportunities contained in metadata. George Alter (History, Institute for Social Research) will serve as principal…
The National Science Foundation is seeking input from the research computing community as part of a review of its Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Division.
The Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Division of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (ACI) invites proposals from junior faculty within the community of scientists, engineers, and educators involved with…
NSF-supported documentary project on digitally enabled science seeks participants — Dec. 21 deadline
The Centrality of Advanced Digitally ENabled Science (CADENS) is a National Science Foundation-supported project to increase digital literacy and inform the general public about computational and data-enabled scientific discovery. The…
On December 11-12, a workshop is being held at the Waterview Conference Center in Arlington, VA to inform and to solicit feedback from the scientific community about experimental facilities to…
NSF is soliciting proposals for petascale resources on the Blue Waters system at the University of Illinois. Proposers must show a compelling science or engineering challenge that will require petascale…